Nutrition + Training


Personalised weight training program based on goals (updated every 8 weeks)

Home or Gym workouts

Personalised Calories and Macros tailored to you and your goals

Up to 7-day custom meal plan (updated every 4 weeks based on progression)

Range of diet options (gluten free, vegan, vegetarian, dairy free, pescatarian and budget friendly options available)

Shopping List

Monthly bonus recipes

Dine out feature – eat out and stay on track with your goals

Recipe ebooks

Log your workouts and track weights, reps etc. plus the ability to swap exercises for machines you may not have or any injuries you may have

Video demonstrations and intructions for every exercise

Educational resources + guides

Period tracker

Progress tracker

Food diary

Exclusive Facebook community

Email support with Renee and her team whenever needed

Minimum 8 weeks commitment 

Nutrition ONly


Personalised calories and macros tailored to you and your goals

Up to 7-day custom meal plan (updated every 4 weeks based on progression)

Range of diet options (gluten free, vegan, vegetarian, dairy free, pescatarian and budget friendly options available)

Shopping list

Monthly bonus recipes

Dine out feature – eat out and stay on track with your goals

Educational resources + guides 

Period tracker

Progress tracker

Food diary

Exclusive Facebook community

Email support with Renee and her team whenever needed 

Minimum 8 weeks commitment

Training Only


Personalised strength-based training Program based on goals (updated every 8 weeks)

Home or gym workouts

Log your workouts and track weights, reps etc. plus the ability to swap exercises for machines you may not have or any injuries you may have

Video demonstrations and instructions for every exercise

Educational resources + guides 

Period tracker

Progress tracker

Exclusive Facebook community

Email support with Renee and her team whenever needed

Minimum 8 weeks commitment

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